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Updated version of the calculation model with the following changes: - Removal of focus on Greening paper, column usage replaced by values which are constant.
- Inclusion of conservation of momentum energy loss for usage in subsequent deformation of materials.
- Specific floor heights used, rather than an averaged constant.
- Concrete crush scale maximum removed. Unlimited scale permitted.
- Manual concrete crush scale ramping parameters removed.
- Impact KE based concrete crush scale calculation added. Switchable.
- Floor-by-floor concrete crush volume percentage added.
- Floor-by-floor mass loss (kg) added. Switchable.
- Per floor Impact KE based mass loss calculation added. Switchable.
- Calculated mass switchable to include/exclude cap mass loss.
- Initial cap drop height modifier added.
- Average Debris Lateral Ejection Velocity included.
- Debris Lateral Ejection Energy Requirement Added. (Applied to mass lost)
- Concrete mass inside core uses floor-by floor specific area percentage modifier to account for variation in usable floor area.
- Graphs for tracking Kinetic Energy, Mass and Velocity.
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